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Simultaneous magnetic resonance and optical elastography acquisitions
Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE) with 3D inversion and Optical Elastography (OE) with averaged 1D curve fitting were used to derive complex shear moduli from each imaging modality. [Link]
Demonstration of Concurrent Tensile Testing and Magnetic Resonance Elastography

Development of a device for simultaneous tensile testing and MRE.[Link]
Concurrent 3D acquisition of diffusion tensor imaging and magnetic resonance elastography displacement data (dMRE)
Comparison of in vivo dMRE results with conventional MRE and diffusion experiments. [Link]
Intra Voxel Phase Dispersion (IVPD) MRE
Single-voxel IVPD-MRE, is based on the intravoxel phase dispersion (IVPD) effect, which represents MRI signal reduction due to dephasing imposed by vibration induced voxel deformation. Lengths of wave structures in MR magnitude image are shortened by a factor of 2 compared to wave lengths in MR phase image. [Link]
Prostate Cancer Diagnosis Using MRE
The purpose of this research is to detect and localize prostate cancer ex vivo using human
prostate samples without pathology fixation or prior radiation therapy.
SLIM-MRE Study on a Mouse Model of Familial Alzheimer's Disease
The goal of the research is to use SLIM-MRE, a fast motion encoding concept developed by our group [link], in order to examine the early diagnostic potential of MRE for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). If MRE was sensitive to early stages of AD, then the technique would qualify as a non-invasive monitor for novel, potential treatments for AD.
Examination of Lysed Tissue Samples Using Tabletop MRE
Porcine kidney specimen scanned in axial orientation in a glass capillary.
(a) The magnitude image shows a homogeneous tissue distribution. Compared to the native shear wave image,
(b) waves in the lysed image (c) show a shorter wave length, indicating a decrease in stiffness.